Windy City Studios LLC © 2016 Stein Design
1165 Tower Road, Schaumburg IL 60173-
Here is our current workshop/class schedule for 2018. More courses will be added soon. Please check back for important dates and class descriptions
Trompe L’oeil Instructor: Dates: SummerTBD Inga Belozerova
This discipline of Decorative Art is “to trick the eye” with painted medium. Create a 3 dimensional object on a flat surface using only your paintbrush and some paint.
Novacolor Instructor: Dates: 3/23-
This class will focus on different techniques and mediums to create one of a kind custom plaster effects using the Italian Plaster Line Novacolor.
Business Classes Instructor: Dates: TBD Patricia Stein
We’ve developed an entire series of business classes to help creative individuals run their businesses more professionally. Classes consist of: Business for Creatives, Business Marketing, Business Finance, Business Law and Business Human Resources. Each class is one day duration.
We’ve negotiated a studio rate for students who stay at this hotel during class. As peak seasons determine overall rate, the hotel sales department has provided us with the best possible rates for each season. Please Use the code WINDY CITY STUDIOS when booking your room. Hotel amenities include:
Advanced Instructor: Dates: 6/19-
Marbling Patrick LaHeyne
This class is an advanced class that will further the artistic practice of hand created marbling on panels.
Woodgraining Instructor: Dates: 6/17-
& Marbling Patrick LaHeyne
This class will introduce students to the artistic practice of hand created wood grain and marbling on panels.